Boating up through Bat Creek to the lagoons took on a little extra cutting this last trip,water levels were up about 2 feet and a lot of forage that you could pass under on lower water conditions were to low to pass,a little chain saw time.Entering the 1st lagoon there were schools of peacock bass running in every direction.We setup camp on the 3rd lagoon in on a nice high sandy area.Then we went trolling and caught our first peacock bass around 10 lbs in less then 100 ft of covered water.The fishing was very good this exposition to Bat Creek,toss a double prop topwater and it would not move more then a foot or two and out of the water came a nice big peacock.Fishing was so good you had to rest your arms after a few of these hard fighting fish.There were also plenty olf arawana to spot fish near the surface,toss your offering and hang on for the many jumps.We seen five big arapima on this trip as well,rolling out accross the surface and back down as if they were checking us out.Two sets of river otters talked to us as they swam past the boat crossing the creek.Overall nice comfortable weather,85 degrees in the day and 65 degrees at night with a nice little breeze,lots olf stars,millions in the sky.The trip out was with ease since we cut and cleared on the way in.Back to the Rupinuni river where we had good payara action in the fast water sections,5 to 8 lbers with big sabre teeth and many leaps out of the water like tarpon.I’m ready for the next trip to Bat creek,this one was one to remember,just like others in the past,a trip to gods country,wild Guyana.
Sounds like a blast Larry! Thanks for the report!
Rupinuni River is still over its banks in flood stage as of August 14th,2012.The good flooding this year will bring very good fishing to the inland lagoons,when the waters drop the peacock bass get caught up in the lagoons,also means a good spawn as well.The waters will start to drop slowly very soon.First fishable water will be Sinumi Lakes in late September tru May.Bat creek will not be low enough till early December tru April.
Capt. Larry
We fished the Rewa River from Rewa Village to 2nd falls above Corona Falls and 8 ponds along the way.We started on Feb 1st and fished through Feb 27th, on Feb 4th Rich Hart set a New IGFA World Record for Arapiama at 420 lbs on a Fly Rod, breaking the old world record by 80 lbs.Alsonthe largest Freshwater Fish in the World caught on a Fly Rod.We had clients catch 5 more Arapiama to 290 lbs as well.In all 7 IGFA World Records were set in different Fly Fishing Tippet classes in various fish.Many big catfish, Peacock bass, Pyara, Hymara and Pacu.We were up river 12 hours from Rewa Village and 78 miles from the nearest road.We are now booking for Mid January to the end of February 2016!
We are headed up the Rewa River on December 3rd,2016,I will give a report when we return on December 18th.